Staff Training

As you know too well educating children isn’t just about the curriculum, members of staff have to deal with pupils who display a variety of behaviours, from anger management to self-esteem issues. We offer a programme of half day training sessions which will equip your staff with the tools needed to help your pupils remove any barrier that is stopping them taking part fully in their education.

“Thank you so much for the training that staff have been to so far. Their feedback has been really positive”

Claire Joel, Acting Deputy Head, St Mary’s CE Primary School

Our training programme includes the following

Social Skills and Circle Time

The importance of circle time – planning whole class circle time. Aims of social skills groups – how to plan and run social skills groups.

Anger Management

Exploring issues around anger and ways of helping children manage their anger.

Self Esteem

The importance of circle time – planning whole class circle time. Aims of social skills groups – how to plan and run social skills groups.

Co-ordinate to Educate & Fine Motor Skills

A fun ‘active’ session. Exercises and activities to help children improve their learning by co-ordinating the left and right sides of the brain. Fine motor activities and exercises to help strengthen the muscles in fingers and an introduction to the many uses of ‘therapeutic putty’.

All sessions can be run as half-day sessions or condensed to hourly twilight sessions.

“Responding to the REACH support flier was a great move!! Wendy and her team have started a range of programmes and bespoke packages to support the social and emotional development of our pupils and to help grow pupil leadership within school. It is still early days but the programmes have been well-received by the children and we are beginning to see a positive impact on behaviour and communication”

Jo Copestake,Acting Deputy Head, Reaside Academy